Monday, July 27, 2009

Francis goes to a midnight show!

You may not know this, but...
Francis loves Harry Potter.

He's read all the books.

He can't wait to see the new movie. He's going to a 12:01am show!

Francis always reads the books before he sees the movies (the books are usually better).

He makes himself a big cup of coffee before he heads out. It's going to be a late night!

Now: let's talk seriously for a moment. Francis would never encourage you to do anything that goes agains the rules...

But Francis isn't about to pay $5 for a snack. So he brings his own!

It's hard to find a wizard costume in Francis's size, so he makes his own with construction paper, string, and glue.

Sshhh! The show is about to start!


  1. Francis looks so excited! It's a pity his glasses didn't make the trip.

  2. We love you Francis! Woooooo!

    Which House is he in?

  3. Hmmm... that's a really good question. I think probably Hufflepuff.


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